<div class="service-bread"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h1>Site Auditing</h1></div>


What would a sudden structural failure of tanks, platforms or walkways really cost you?

Our Structural and Compliance Audit (to AS4100, AS3990, and AS1657) is a comprehensive preventative engineering assessment intended to identify structural damage, deterioration, and hazards to help you bring risk to an acceptable rating.

Book your Structural Asset Management Consultation (pay nothing now). You will sleep better tonight!

Included in the Structural Asset Management Consultation

This informative zero-selling consultation will get you up to speed on how you can implement a cost-effective Structural Asset management or rehabilitation solution. Learn how we work with heavy industry clients and how we can help you manage shutdowns due to structural damage and corrosion failures.

Comply with safety standards (not optional!)
  • Ensure that your facility and structures are ‘AS’ compliant
  • Determine the residual serviceable life of facilities and structures
  • Extend the service life of structures
  • Minimise cost and environmental risk for distressed structures
  • Devise the most cost-effective rehabilitation solution
  • Accurately identify the real causes of damage before starting repair work
  • Keep costs of repairs under control with accurate documentation
  • See friction between old structures and recently deployed ones
  • Simulate repair scenarios to identify the best upkeep programs

We will investigate and optimise your current corrosion control programs and make recommendations as required

At Nebo Engineering, we give you access to over 163 years of combined engineering knowledge and heav industry expertise – we’re a source of solutions, and our goal is to help you manage risk and minimise shutdowns. Our engineering team is experienced in site situations and trained in project management methodology functions – we know how to get things done with minimum-hassle and minimum interruption to your operations.

We use the latest technology including 3D scanning to investigate and evaluate issues quickly, thoroughly and cost-effectively.

We plan each project in advance together with our team to ensure we canvisit your site at a minimum of inconvenience and hassle to your operations.

Here’s how we can achieve best results for you

Step #1
Our engineering team will perform a visual structural and compliance audit. Our team is experienced at understanding material durability and performance. We will review any relevant documents and previous surveys.
Step #2
If deterioration is identified in the previous step, we will highlight this to you. A determination can then be made if you want us to investigate the extent of the corrosion or damage.
Step #3
At this stage, we will either produce a comprehensive report to document the health of your facilities or structure or recommend additional (when required) assessments.

You will have complete control over our involvement, and we won’t perform any evaluation without first getting your express approval and understanding your concerns.In case of a minor risk, we can implement a monitoring procedure or, in case of a moderate or major risk, we can implement control measures and make further recommendations to bring the risk to an acceptable rating. For a major structural audit and compliance program, once the audit is complete, we can prepare a long-term strategy for repairs that is aligned to your budgets and shutdown availability. Staying on top of the latest safety regulations can be a challenge, but it is also your responsibility. For example, recently the AS1657 document has gone from 30 pages to 75 pages so if you use fixed platforms, walkways or stairways, make sure that your structures and equipment are compliant. Other standards – including, but not limited to – may also apply: AS4100 (structural steel), pressure vessels and piping (AS1210 & AS4041).

Potential Cost of unidentified corrosion:

  • The Leo Frigo Bridge in the USA was closed for three and a half months for repairs, costing about $139,000 a day (approximately $14.5 million).
  • An internal corrosion on a 50-year- old pipeline owned by EPNG explodedin 2000, killing 12 and costing the company $15.5 million in civil penalties, and around $86 million in repairs on the pipeline system.
  • Many blame the earthquake for the Fukushima nuclear plant accident; however, it “was probably caused by corrosion around faulty seals” According to Nace.org, “At the time of the leak, only two inspectors were checking 900 tanks at any one time, so this highly radioactive leak went unnoticed for amonth.”
  • As you can see, the lack of proper maintenance can have sad consequences.
The alternative to structural auditing

1. Status Quo – as you know, sticking your head in the sand is not an option!

2. Try and manage the inspections in-house. When this approach is taken,more often than not this work gets ‘pushed down the list’ of your ever-growing list of priorities and realistically only comes up when something fails.

Our engineers are heavy-industry asset management specialists.We have a formal system for inspecting, investigating and documenting all audits. We are experienced in accurate risk ratings, and we understand the delicate balance between maintaining a safe plant and your budget at the same time. We focus on real risk areas needing urgent attention without comprising safety.


The first consultation comes without any obligations, and it’s simple – book your preliminary consultation to learn more.